Monday, July 15, 2013

Too Cool for School by: Raymond Patterson Jr.

   *Please answer the questions below, be sure to justify your answer using evidence from the text, any reliable outside information, or your own personal experiences.
*Please respond to at least two of your classmate's comments.

1.) In the story, "Too Cool for School," Steven decides to establish a new look and attitude. How do you feel about the way Steven's friends react to his "new look." Do you think they were supportive? If you were Steven's friends how would you have reacted to his sudden changes? 

2.) In the story, "Too Cool for School," we learn how important it is to really be yourself. Describe one thing that makes you, "you." How does this character trait define who you are? 

Never Walk Alone by: Raymond Patterson Jr.

*Please answer the question below, be sure to justify your answer using evidence from the text, any reliable outside information, or your own personal experiences.
*Please respond to at least two of your classmate's comments.

1.) In the story, "Never Walk Alone," Adelaide makes some poor choices.  If you were Adelaide what alternate choices would you have made? 

2.) When have you made a mistake the that has left you in an unsafe situation?  What lesson did you learn from the situation? 

Lemonade Stand by: Raymond Patterson Jr.

*Please answer the questions below, be sure to justify your answer using evidence from the text, any reliable outside information, or your own personal experiences.
*Please respond to at least two of your classmate's comments.

1.) In the story,"Lemonade Stand," Steven and the gang decide to raise money to help a friend in need. Describe a time that you have helped someone in need. What made you decide to help this person? How did you feel after you helped? 

2.) If you could start any type of charity what would it be? What cause would your charity support? 

Mom Equals Dad by: Raymond Patterson Jr.

*Please answer the questions below, be sure to justify your answer using evidence from the text, any reliable outside information, or your own personal experiences.
*Please respond to at least two of your classmate's comments.

1.) In the story, "Mom Equals Dad," Larry's mom ends up attending the Donuts with Dads event because Larry does not have a dad. Do you think it is okay for a mom to attend the Donuts with Dads event, or do you think only dads should be able to come? 
Take a stand and defend your position. 

2.) Think of a time in your life when you have found a unique way to overcome a difficult situation. Explain what happened and how you overcame this difficult situation. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Three to Five by: Raymond Patterson Jr.

*Please answer the question below, be sure to justify your answer using evidence from the text, any reliable outside information, or your own personal experiences.
*Please respond to at least two of your classmate's comments.

In the story, "Three to Five," Juan and his friends had quite an eventful afternoon. The kids made several choices, some that were responsible, some that were irresponsible. Describe at least two choices that were irresponsible, how did you know these were irresponsible choices? What would you have done differently?